3 Ways To Snack Guilt-Free!

Snacks haven’t always had the best reputation. They are notorious for being addictive and unhealthy, but how can we say no to these treats?! We love the way it so readily satisfies our cravings – whether we’re binging on Netflix, working through the night or just sitting around, there’s almost never a bad time for a good snack 😊

So how can we make better decisions on what we snack on? Here are some tips and recommendations for you:

1. Fit Your Snacks Into Your Diet

Rather than mindlessly munching on the first thing on the shelf, choosing snacks that suit or even fill some gaps in your diet is a wiser option. For instance, if you’re trying to cut down on those carbs but you love biting down on those biscuits and crackers, try Bourbon’s Carb Balance Wafers!

Bourbon Carb Balance Kinako Soy Milk Wafer   Bourbon Carb Balance Double Chocolate Chip Cookie

Or, if you find it hard to eat your greens, try grabbing a bag of Confetti’s Veggie Chips! These nutrient dense chips are a good way to insert some fibre into your diet. They also come in a variety of flavours such as Summer Truffle, Teriyaki BBQ and Tandoori Curry.

  Confetti Snacks Lovely Veggie Chips Teriyaki BBQ  Confetti Snacks Lovely Veggie Chips Summer Truffle


2. Let The Food Do The Work

We’ve all heard of the phrase “work smart, not hard”. In this case, we’re going to do that by making our food work for us 😉 The trick is to eat snacks that are based off superfoods – nutrient-rich and considered to be especially beneficial for our health, allowing us to gain more in the same amount of snack.

We recommend Wakasho Chia Seed Jelly, that incorporates the superfood chia seeds into the product. Chia seeds are a rich source of fibre, iron, calcium, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. Aside from improving brain health, Omega-3 fatty acids also help raise HDL cholesterol (also known as good cholesterol) which protects against heart attacks and stroke.

Wakasho Chia Seed Apple Jelly  Wakasho Chia Seed Peach Jelly

3. "Less Is More"

Sometimes, less is more. Sounds pretty counterintuitive but we guarantee it makes sense. Instead of regular sweets and chips, look out for products that have less or no sugar, or are low in kcal to help keep your daily intake in check. By sourcing out for snacks that have lesser ‘undesirables’, we’re doing more for our diet and health in the long-run.

Ibaraki Hoshi Imo (Dried Japanese Sweet Potato) has no sugar and is great for those with a sweet tooth! You get the full sweet flavour of the sweet potato but without the guilt.

Ibaraki Hoshi Imo [Dried Japanese Sweet Potato]

For those who like to have dessert after their meals, Bourbon Premium 0kcal After Meal Jelly is a great option! The name says it all, and with this you won’t feel like you need to go for a run every time you eat a big meal ~PHEW!

Bourbon Premium 0kcal Golden Kiwi Enjoy After Meal Jelly  Bourbon Premium 0kcal La France Pear Enjoy After Meal Jelly

